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June Promo

I've been at my in-laws this past week - super last minute trip... It was so much fun, and SO needed!! But we are back home & I can finally get on here and posts some great stuff coming your way!! This month is going to be awesome! I'm excited for june! First off, its almost monsoon season, which is my favorite!-we get lots of rain and goes from 100 degrees down to like 70's. SO NICE! ALSO, my husband is scheduled to come home from his deployment! So keep us in your prayers so he DOES come home on time...OR close to on time...

OK, so this is my first time doing something like this, so bare with me folks!

For the entire month of June, if you hit a PV (personal Value) of 190, quick order or ER order, you will get this set of rollers sent to you. These rollers are super delish and perfect for the summer time. They come with recipe cards so you have the exact oils, and amount of drops to make your rollers! YAY for cute rollers!

All you have to do is reach a personal value of 190 & fill out the google form below! THAT IS IT! Rollers will be sent to you! *oils not included*

CLICK LINK BELOW & answer three simple questions! <3

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