Lip balm
Homemade Lip Balm! YUP!! I am a freak when it comes to lip blam! The only stuff I ever use is Burts Bees which I still love! But this is awesome! It's SUPER SIMPLE! Try it and let me know how it goes!
2 tbsp organic beeswax ( buy the pellets! they melt faster! get it here )
2 tbsp organic shea butter (I get mine here)
2 tbsp organic coconut oil (Costco is a great place to get it! )
15-20 drops Lavender essential oil or Peppermint oil. I use both. This is the Essential oil I highly recommend.
Empty LipStick containers or round containers. I get mine here !
e-oil is totally optional. I used it!
This makes about 15 lipsticks.
Add the organic coconut oil, beeswax, and shea butter into a glass bowl. Fill a pot with boiling water and place the glass bowl on top of the pot. Make sure the glass bowl is larger than the pot. Let that all melt, then take it off the pot (please use gloves because it's hot!! ). Let it sit for 3 minutes. Add the 15-20 drops of lavender and peppermint essential oil into the bowl and mix. Optional: add a drop of E-oil. Now fill up your containers and there you have it!! Your very own homemade lip balm!!
Super easy right??? Now seriously go try it! I can't get enough of it! Shall I say I have a replacement for my original Burts Bees? EEk! I feel so wrong! like I'm cheating on the one lip balm I always went to... I always loved. Well change is good right??? I think so! Hello Homemade products!!